Brain Injury Books

Books for Information on Brain Injury in Adults and Veterans


TBI Information on adults living with brain injury
Books for adults and veterans with information on concussion, mild brain injury, blast injury, traumatic brain injury (TBI) and PTSD explain symptoms and treatment of mild, moderate and severe brain injury and post traumatic stress disorders. They are ideal for families, survivors, clinicians, and therapists in hospitals, rehabilitation programs, polytrauma centers, veterans hospitals and community programs.
  • My Brain and I

    My Brain and I

    Jennifer Callaghan’s story shares how she put herself back together after suffering a severe brain injury sustained as a passenger in a car crash. She recounts how her life felt -- from within (“lost and panic-stricken inside your...

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  • Beyond Brain Injury: Volume 2

    Beyond Brain Injury: Volume 2

    Edited by Barbara Stahura and Marilyn Lash-Cluett, this booklet is a compendium of feature articles and written perspectives of survivors, professionals, experts, and others known and respected in the brain injury community. Each writer seeks to enhance...

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  • Beyond Brain Injury: Volume 1

    Beyond Brain Injury: Volume 1

    Edited by Barbara Stahura and Marilyn Lash-Cluett, this collection compiles feature articles by known experts and authors from the brain injury community. They offer introspective, insightful observations and provide helpful information for survivors of...

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  • The Macro Change Handbook

    The Macro Change Handbook

    In his newest and fourth book on community inclusion for persons with disabilities, Al Condeluci focuses on the change process. Do you change the person who has a disability or special needs or do you change the environment? By addressing both, Condeluci...

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  • Lost and Found

    Lost and Found

    This is the one book that every survivor of a brain injury and family should have. It is the most comprehensive, sensitive, insightful and thorough workbook available and is filled with hands on practical strategies aimed at helping the person with a...

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  • Brain Injury Isn't Funny

    Brain Injury Isn't Funny

    In his new book, Brain Injury Isn’t Funny, Bill’s humorous comments are written to coincide with each dimension of the rehabilitation process...a lifetime journey that no one should attempt to do alone, but now you can do it - along with Bill...

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  • Family Rehabilitation Activity Manual

    Family Rehabilitation Activity Manual

    With shortening stays in rehabilitation programs, individuals with brain injuries are returning home sooner after their injuries. This means that many families become responsible for caregiving, supervision and/or emotional support at home and in the...

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  • Expanded Consciousness

    Expanded Consciousness

    Expanded Consciousness: More Meditations on Brain Injury This second book by popular columnist Mike Strand delves into the mysteries and challenges of living with a brain injury. Using short essays to explore and express his personal thoughts and...

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