Attention Process Training


Attention Process Training and Cognitive Rehabilitation for Brain Injury

The Attention Process Training Programs (APT) by Sohlberg and Mateer are based on extensive neurorehabilitation research widely published in the cognitive rehabilitation and traumatic brain injury and neurorehabilitation literature. These therapeutic treatment programs are designed for adolescents, adults and veterans with mild, moderate and severe traumatic brain injury (TBI), post concussion syndrome and other neurological disorders. A children's attention program is also available. Attention process training is widely used by clinicians in hospitals, VAs, rehabilitation programs, out-patient clinics, schools, universities, and community programs treating patients with brain injuries and other neurological disorders.

  • Attention Process Training III Attention Process Training III

    Attention Process Training III

    The APT-3 program is a comprehensive, evidence-based direct attention training program aimed at improving underlying attention deficits secondary to acquired brain injury. It is an updated version of the predecessor programs (APT-1 and APT-2) with...

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  • Attention Process Training Test

    Attention Process Training Test

    The APT test can be used with the APT 1 and APT 2 programs. It includes methods to screen for: simple sustained attention in target detection format (level 1) more complex sustained attention using sequential stimuli (level 2) selective attention with...

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  • APT3 Clinician Drive

    APT3 Clinician Drive

    The APT 3 flash drive can be used by multiple clinicians with multiple clients. A single drive can support a single clinician using it with any computer and multiple clients. If another clinician uses that drive, the clinician will have access to all the...

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  • APT3 Practice Drive

    APT3 Practice Drive

    The APT-3 “practice drive” is a second USB stick. It is synchronized or synced to work with the APT-3 program by loading the client’s attention exercises. As the client practices independently, the drive saves performance data and self...

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  • Attention Process Training, APT 2

    Attention Process Training II

    This program is for treating impairments in attentional processing in persons with relatively mild cognitive disturbance, such as post-concussion syndrome. Activities address difficulties with sustained attention, slowed speed of information...

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  • Attention Process Training I

    Attention Process Training I

    This clinical treatment program addresses attention as a comprehensive multi-level functional process. It provides a theoretically based, hierarchically organized method of retraining the process of attention and is based on extensive clinical...

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  • Pay Attention!

    Pay Attention!

    This is a pediatric attention training program that is modeled after the Attention Process Training (APT) program developed by Sohlberg and Mateer. This new second edition features an expanded manual, updated review of research studies, and additional...

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  • APT3 Standard Encryption

    APT3 Standard Encryption

    The APT-3 program is a comprehensive, evidence-based direct attention training program aimed at improving underlying attention deficits secondary to acquired brain injury. It is an updated version of the predecessor programs (APT-1 and APT-2) with...

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